Cool graphics apps made by Gavin Stewart using the Jack language and the Hack platform built in this course.
Minecraft game based on the computer model built in this course
Wired article about the above game and the Nand2Tetris course
Tetris game running on on the computer model built in this course
Typing game running on on the computer model built in this course
Snake game running on on the computer model built in this course
Life game developed by Robert Woodhead in the Hack assemlbly language, without any high-level or OS support!
FPGA implementation of the computer model built in this course (Chinese)
Happy campers: Shimon and students from the 2012 Nand2Tetris Stanford course
Pong Game, on steroids
The youngest Nand2Tetris scholar: Saad Nasser built our Hack computer when he was 11 years old, under the good guidance of Gautam Doshi from Intel Bangalore