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  • Cool graphics apps made by Gavin Stewart using the Jack language and the Hack platform built in this course.

  • Minecraft game based on the computer model built in this course 

  • Wired article about the above game and the Nand2Tetris course

  • Tetris game running on on the computer model built in this course

  • Typing game running on on the computer model built in this course

  • Snake game running on on the computer model built in this course

  • Life game developed by Robert Woodhead in the Hack assemlbly language, without any high-level or OS support!

  • FPGA implementation of the computer model built in this course (Chinese)

  • Happy campers: Shimon and students from the 2012 Nand2Tetris Stanford course

  • Pong Game, on steroids

  • The youngest Nand2Tetris scholar: Saad Nasser built our Hack computer when he was 11 years old, under the good guidance of Gautam Doshi from Intel Bangalore

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